203 N. Oakdale Avenue | Medford, Oregon 97501 | 541-773-6811

NSWA endorses the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!

NSWA is 100% volunteer run and completely independent of government funding.

With NSWA You Can:


Learn organizing skills and advocacy methods that will help change history!


Produce NSWA’s independent newspaper, the Northwest Seasonal Worker.


Unite low-income workers through door-to-door membership canvassing.


Organize collections of food and clothing.


Expand preventive medical care, legal advice and other benefits built by and for NSWA's low-income membership.


Mobilize campaigns to end government policies that undermine the survival of working families.

Volunteer Activities

Benefit Advocacy Training Sessions

NSWA benefit advocates provide on-the-job training to volunteers to do intake interviews, as well as provide advocacy for legal and medical requests, and for utility bill payment plans to avert shutoffs. Volunteers also work on follow-up to the monthly medical session, and prepare for the next medical session. Volunteer advocates and NSWA members requesting legal advice work with a volunteer attorney to develop a plan of action for the member and advocate to carry out to resolve the problem.

General Medical Sessions

Volunteer advocates and interpreters work with a NSWA volunteer physician to hold a General Medical Session monthly. At these sessions, NSWA members receive free preventive medical care exams. NSWA certified medical advocates work with the benefit recipient and volunteer doctor to follow up the prescribed treatment plan to ensure members receive the best care possible, including arranging donated laboratory analysis and X-rays. NSWA needs more volunteer doctors, nurses, advocates and interpreters. Call today about how you can make a difference!

Letter Mailouts

Volunteers prepare and send letters about our current campaigns to people who have expressed an interest in volunteering or supporting NSWA. We need volunteers to help with the daily letter mailout as well as to assist with the mass mailing of NSWA’s membership newspaper and Sponsors Guide.

Literature Tables

Volunteers set up information tables in front of grocery stores, local community events and other locations to promote NSWA so that others can join our cause. This is one way NSWA enlists new friends and participants to come in and make a difference. Please call if you can volunteer or if you know of a location where NSWA can set up a table. NSWA volunteers are adhering to social distancing and other public health directives during outreach activities.

Membership Canvasses

The house-to-house canvass is the main activity through which NSWA signs up new members to the organization. The canvass also serves to maintain contact with current members in the surrounding areas, many of whom do not have phones. Through this activity, we keep members informed about NSWA activities and how they can actively participate in their association. NSWA volunteers canvass low-income neighborhoods throughout Jackson County to make the benefit of organization available to workers and their families. If you are interested in volunteering for the next canvass or are a member and would like canvassers to come to your neighborhood, please call NSWA today.

Publication Sessions

Skilled volunteers work to design leaflets about NSWA programs and special events, as well as produce the Northwest Seasonal Worker and Sponsors Guide quarterly. NSWA’s publication sessions also provide on-the-job training to those who want to learn writing and graphic design skills. If you have graphic design, writing or photography skills, you can teach others. Whether you are coming to learn or teach, we need you!




203 N. Oakdale Avenue | Medford, Oregon 97501

203 N. Oakdale Avenue

Medford, Oregon 97501


Est. 1976

Labor donated