203 N. Oakdale Avenue | Medford, Oregon 97501 | 541-773-6811

NSWA endorses the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!

This is NSWA
Since our founding in 1976, Northwest Seasonal Workers Association (NSWA) has built a membership of more than 30,000 seasonal and service workers throughout the Rogue Valley. Only through building strong organization can we gain control over our living and working conditions and reverse the policies that are killing and disabling low-income workers and their families.
NSWA’s uniquely successful method of systemic organizing enables anyone who dares to care and is willing to work to build an organization that unites low-income workers with local students, professionals, small business owners and others concerned and affected by the economic problems we face. NSWA members have built an 11-point, self-help membership benefit program of preventive medical care, emergency food, legal advice and more, while developing the organizational strength to determine our living and working conditions and fight to end the policies that drive up living costs and drive out living wage jobs.

Full-time and part-time organizers are urgently needed!
NSWA needs you as a full-time or part-time volunteer. On-the-job training is provided in all basic organizing skills. No prior experience is necessary — just a willingness to learn and daring to care about the future of our communities. Refuse to stand by as more workers are driven into lives of desperation. A movement for change is growing — be a part of making it happen! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!