203 N. Oakdale Avenue | Medford, Oregon 97501 | 541-773-6811

NSWA endorses the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!

Who are our members?
NSWA’s members are the backbone of the economy: we pick and pack pears, tend grapes for the wine industry, reforest the mountains and fight wildfires, and perform other jobs in the seasonal industries of agriculture, timber and tourism, yet we often receive wages that don’t cover survival needs for our families.

Members Helping Members
Per membership policy, membership includes immediate family members, too. With NSWA, members help members. We take a self-help approach. Our membership benefit program is as strong as we all make it through the voluntary effort of participating members and others who join in our cause. We keep our doors open 365 days a year to ensure that the organization and its programs are accessible whenever membership need may arise.

Workers Benefit Council
Any member or spouse of a member has full voice in membership meetings. The Jackson County Workers Benefit Council (WBC) enables members to take on leadership roles in the organization. Membership decisions are made by consensus by the Workers Benefit Council where delegates agree upon proposed actions of the membership and development of the benefit programs offered by NSWA. Delegates to the WBC are recruited and trained to represent fellow members from their workforce and/or geographic area.